Monday, January 12, 2009

Horrible Parenting 101

So, like most Mondays, I was in charge of Finn for most of the day today. Normally, I'm a very attentive-ish sort of parental unit... but today, we had a little adventure. Finley has been sitting up by himself for a while now, but he has recently developed the ability to suddenly launch himself onto his stomach from a sitting position. For some reason today, I momentarily forgot about his ever-increasing mobility, and I left him sitting alone in the chair -like I have dozens of times - while I went to collect the trash from the other room. The following is a photographic re-enactment of what happened next.

When I left the room, Finn was sitting happily, like this:

When I came back, about 60 seconds later, he had assumed a new position:

He was just laying there watching Sesame Street, like nothing interesting had happened.

After I got over the initial surge of panic and did a frantic inspection for broken bones and bruises, I realized that he was totally fine. And now I think it's pretty much hysterical. That's officially the furthest he has ever traveled by himself, so in a way, I'm proud. It takes a brave little boy to somersault off a piece of furniture ... but I'll probably have that image burned into my mind for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Is it totally horrible that I am cracking up? The fact that he is so calmly laying on the ground, almost looking happy to be there, makes me laugh. Good job, Jbulls!
